Friday, December 30, 2016

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Get the best turmeric liquid supplement

Due to its high anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is
highly effective at helping people manage rheumatoid
arthritis (RA). A recent study out of Japan evaluated its
relationship with interleukin (IL)-6, the inflammatory
cytokine known to be involved in the RA process, and
discovered that curcumin “significantly reduced” these inflammatory markers. This suggests that regular  turmeric use could be a potent strategy to prevent the
onset of RA from developing to begin with!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Getting Tactical

Using a blend of technologies first pioneered by the US Military, the TL900 Tactical Headlamp puts together the best mounted lighting we’ve ever seen. 

 It uses a ridiculously bright LED light that outshines just about every other one on the market, and it combines it with a non slip tactical headband that combines the classic goggle style strap, with an over-the-head spelunkers strap for a secure attachment you can count on.  But that’s just the dressings!  

The real meat of this puppy is in the light itself.  It can adjust 90 degrees for precise viewing without craning your neck.

Get tactical with the best led headlamp today